Since PConline was launched in April 1999, it has developed into the largest consumerfocused Internet portal of IT-related products and related services in China in terms ofadvertising revenue. Most visitors to PConline are potential purchasers of IT-related products who frequently visit the portal for industry news, product pricing and other product-related information. As of June 2007, PConline currently has over 39 million unique browsers and 586 million page views, according to Nielsen//NetRatings. PConline has channels offering both comprehensive and the latest product information on various IT-related products in major cities in China such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Guangxi, Chongqing, Shandong, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Fujian, Chengdu, Xi'an, Jiangxi, and in Taiwan. Consumers are also able to obtain the most recently available pricing information for IT-related products, which may give them a bargaining edge when they purchase such products in the over-the-counter market. PConline also provides free product reviews and product feature reports, and conducts product testing of new and popular IT-related products. While the Group does not receive any subscription fees for these services, such product reviews, reports and tests can guide online users in choosing the right products to purchase. PConline's logo has been endorsed by manufacturers as a sign of quality assurance with its appearance in the marketing materials and on the packaging of certain IT-related products.
The categories of electronics products covered on PConline's portal include the following:
*Office facilities
*Video cards
*Mother boards
*Video cameras
*Digital cameras
*PC batteries
*MP3/MP4 players
*Network equipment
*Home theatre products
*Mobile phones